Encouragement Today

79842EBE-5CD8-4BD4-B573-BE397B153968Today’s Encouragement is to remind you to show others your humility.

The Bible has a lot of verses dealing with this character trait thus making it important to God. We should take this command seriously.

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” C.S.Lewis

This is only one of many, but it comes with a promise, a promise that ends in a blessing.

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.” James‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭NKJV‬

Just remember to remain balanced. Being humble is healthy, thinking less of yourself is healthy. Just do not “forget” yourself in the process. Everything has to be kept in a healthy moderation.

I was raised with the importance of being humble and I completely agree with this, but on the other hand, no one reminded me there was a healthy balance to remain humble.

Follow God’s command and show humility my Friend, but remain balanced in the process. You have to remember you are important as well as your endeavors.

The key to this verse is to not be boastful and brag about your accomplishments. Let them stand on their own merits. Let God have the control over blessing those accomplishments, then you will be able to remain humble.

I am here to remind you what others did not tell me, balance my friend, balance. Do not disregard “all of you” in your humility. Keep this in your heart because it is important. Do not forget about all that is important, just do not brag about it.

Happy Friday All! Be humble while remaining balanced before God and man. Let God bring forth the blessings you will receive for what you have done or become or accomplished.