Today’s Encouragement is to remind you no matter how difficult life may seem, remain hopeful there are brighter days ahead.

God uses these hard times to grow us just as parents do as well.

How many times as a parent have you allowed your child to learn a difficult lesson only because it was something you could not save them from?

I, for one, have experienced this a lot over the past couple of years as I have stood back and watched my daughter struggle with her multiple health issues. As her mom, I can not do anything to take away the pain that she suffers with, but what I can do to encourage her, is pray, comfort, and hold her when the pain is unbearable and just let her know she is not alone. I can not do anything to fix this problem or even take it away, but I can promise to encourage and comfort her during her greatest struggles.

My friend, God is the same way. He can’t take our circumstances away, but He does promise to never leave us. He is always with us during our darkest of hours.

In a bible study over the weekend we were addressing a topic on pain and how God uses our pain to prepare our journey for something beautiful. I heard this great quote which was so inspirational and encouraging;

” God may have allowed your suffering, but He didn’t cause it.”


My friend, even in your darkest hour our God is still there. He has not forsaken or forgotten you.

Cling to this hope,

Some changes look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.

–Eckhart Tolle

Hang in there dear friend, if you are hurting and if your pain is deep. Please know there is hope for brighter days ahead. I do not know how long this will take, but I can personally vouch for the fact the pain does eventually go away and the sun comes back out. Cling to the hope of knowing your darkness will turn back into light. Your tears will dry up and be replaced with the smiles you have longed to experience again.

6 thoughts on “Darkness Turns to Sunshine

    1. Awe, thanks friend. I am glad it touched you. Thank you for sharing it as well. There are many things you write that touch my heart and would love to share to mine as well. Would that be ok? Big hugs Friend! 💜

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        1. Oh Friend, it is absolutely ok. I am honored that you did. Yay on having permission to share yours on my page too. I’m always cautious about using stuff of other people because I never want people to think I took something. I always give the appropriate recognition though. 😁.

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