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Are you struggling with believing you are beautiful?

Are you struggling with believing the lies society tells you, the lies where no one truly measures up to anyone unless you are a certain size with a specific hair color, length or style? Are you struggling with the lies you are not beautiful because you do not measure up to the Jones’?

Today’s encouragement is to inspire you to believe you are beautiful because the beauty you hold is humbly hidden in your heart.

The Bible tells us in Matthew 5:3-12 what true beauty is and where it can be found. God placed in our hearts not to hide it, but to shield it from the corruption of this world.

  • He allows it to be seen when it shines through our eyes as we smile at others, whether we know them or whether they are total strangers.

Have you ever walked through a crowded place, feeling beat down by your circumstances and with the weight of the world resting upon your shoulders, but you look up and a total stranger gives you an unexpected beautiful smile? There is something majestic that happens at just that moment in time. It is a moment where God allowed the true beauty of that person to shine through.

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  • Beauty comes through the words with which we speak when we speak love, comfort, mercy, and encouragement to those who are down and discouraged.

Have you been so discouraged that you could not bear one more discouraging word to be spoken or have one more moment of frustration to occur, but you received a random text, note on your desk, or a total stranger say a kind word to you in the grocery store check-out line? My friend, those kind words are the beauty the person rendering them is holding in their heart.

  • Beauty comes through the form of physical touch.

It comes through the arms of someone giving a hug when they need a compassionate touch or if they need some extra love at just that moment.

  • Beauty comes through the form of compassion, strength and mercy.

People who find themselves grieving or are in an unimaginable pain will see the beauty in your heart, through the compassion you have in your eyes and the soft gentle words you will speak.

They will feel the strength and mercy from your arms as you gracefully touch them or hold them.

They will also feel the beauty in your heart through the gentle touch of your hands as you help them in areas of need. Whether it is by doing their dishes, folding their laundry, or mowing their yard. The activity you do with your hands allows your beauty to shine through in a meaningful and concrete way.

My friend, the beauty God gave you is one which radiates through the darkness while bringing joy to those who are in their deepest of needs.

God’s beauty is not one that can be purchased at a hair or nail salon. It isn’t one that can be purchased at a clothing or shoe store. It is one that comes through our personality with which God instilled in our hearts.

My friend, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Remember today, you are Beautiful!!!


This is intended for the handsome gentlemen here as well. Just replace beauty with handsome and it all applies to you as well.