Encouragement Today

7D50B559-21BE-4B78-BC57-4A41F0363333Your Encouragement Today was inspired by this quote,

”I have been broken. I have known hardship and I have lost myself. But here I stand, still moving forward and growing stronger each day. I will never forget the harsh lessons in my life. They made me stronger.” — Unknown

I am going to remind you there is power in courage. The courage it takes to keep moving forward, even when you are so tired you can no longer take any more steps.

Have you ever ran a marathon, or hiked a mountain and you hit that wall of defeat? Do you remember how that pain felt? The pain of mental and physical exhaustion? Anyone who has felt this pain knows how it can be etched in your memory forever.

My friend, I am here to remind you that it is possible to push thru that pain and defeat. You keep pushing forward and with every step you take, the wall gets moved back and eventually broken down until you have pushed past the exhaustion and mental defeat and you are back in the race or back on the push to the top of the mountain.

It takes the courage to not give up. It takes the courage to push through even when you think you can not take one more step forward. It takes courage to say, ”I will not be defeated.”

My friend, you have the courage to push through this hardship. Just keep moving forward. It does not matter how fast you go, it only matters that you are still moving.

Remember today, you are strong and you are courageous!

*Are you interested in purchasing a Courage Conquers Fear T-Shirt?

Go to my home page and click on my HL&E Designs tab and I will have a Courage Conquers Fear T-Shirt available for purchase. They come in an assortment of colors for both men and women.