Encouragement Today

Today’s inspiration was inspired by this quote,

“Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.” – Og Mandino

Do not allow tiredness or exhaustion to rob you of your strength to succeed in your life.

Take the time to rest so you are able to continue your journey.

My friends, I have hit the point of exhaustion. This is why my daily writing has been scattered at best. I am not good at taking my own words and applying them to my own life and I hit that ugly wall of total exhaustion.

My body and my mind shut down and today have forced me to rest. I am hoping by giving into the exhaustion today this week will be more productive for me and I will be able to get back into the swing of everything I have let go for all the extra doctors and medical issues that came our way this month.

I am praying my family will stay healthy and strong enough that we will only have one doctor appointment this week and I will be able to find mental capacity to focus on things I have let go as a result of being over stressed.

Until I break past this exhaustion please know I have not forgotten about all of you and my blog. I am trying to engage my mind to think of things to write about, but some days that writers block wall is just too tall to crawl over.

I may just resort to inspirational pictures with captions until I can break through the ugliness of this exhaustion.

If you feel inclined to send up prayers for me, I will graciously accept them. I am quick to ask for my family, but I struggle to find the words to ask for myself, but I could use them now.

Thank you to my faithful followers who continue to read and follow my blog even when I hit times like these.

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