Encouragement Today

All to often we find ourselves depending on others to make us happy while we wait for them to affirm us. Unfortunately, when we fall into this trap we spend a lot of time feeling discouraged, frustrated, and left out.

Whether this is right or wrong, it is the reality of life.

People are unable to fill our every void and are unable meet our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

If we looked to meeting our own needs we would spend less time being disappointed.

“Plant your garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”Jose Luis Borges

If we spent a little bit more time planting our own gardens we would be surprised at how much joy we would provide for ourselves. There is a satisfaction that we receive when we do things that makes us happy.

My Friend, if you plant your own garden, then you can pick your own flowers at any time. When you do this, you take control over your own happiness again.