Sharing the Sweetness of a Smile

Here is wishing you a sweet day today. May you find the time to bring a smile on someone’s face. Consider as you walk past a stranger in the grocery store isle, smile at them, when you wouldn’t ordinarily, and share a quick and quaint pleasantry. If they smile, consider this a win for today’s … Continue reading Sharing the Sweetness of a Smile

It is Never To Late To reset

There is Always Time to Reset Our LivesHome. Life. Encouragement Today’s Encouragement Good morning my sweet friends and family. It has been a while since I made my own image and posted in my own words. I am hoping to get back to what I love doing as I try to find and make more … Continue reading It is Never To Late To reset

Doors Open To A New Journey

Looking Forward To The Blessings God Has For Me I wanted to take a moment to let my faithful friends and followers know I am back and I will be posting more content now. I ended up taking a break from my blog because there wasn’t enough time to get everything done this school year. … Continue reading Doors Open To A New Journey

Unexpected Moments

Credit: Home Life & Encouragement There is nothing sweeter than finding this surprise my daughter left behind for me. She received the most beautiful flowers from one of the children in her preschool class yesterday. When I got ready to go to bed, I put my dog outside for the last time for the night … Continue reading Unexpected Moments

It Takes Special Guys To Be Dad’s

Credit: Home. Life. Encouragement Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. Being a father is an important job and one of the most important ones you will have.  I know for me I had an amazing one.  My dad was special because he was one before he had to be. This is because he wasn’t my … Continue reading It Takes Special Guys To Be Dad’s

Christmas, A Time of Reflection and Many Emotions

Merry Christmas to everyone who is on Christmas vacation and Christmas break. It is my sincere and heartfelt message that you are able to make some precious memories and spend some quality time together.  Take the time to rest and watch Christmas movies together.  Take the time to fill your home with the sweet aroma of home baked … Continue reading Christmas, A Time of Reflection and Many Emotions

Gratitude Through Blessings and Hardships

Credit: Home. Life. Encouragement  Gratitude Can Be Hard During Difficult Seasons Happy Thanksgiving Friends! I hope today is one that is full of sweet blessings and the making of sweet memories. I am, however, mindful of the many who are struggling despite it being a holiday. If you are one who is struggling, I will send … Continue reading Gratitude Through Blessings and Hardships

Cultivate What is Yours Instead of Being Envious of What is Not

Credit: Home. Life. Encouragement “The grass is not greener on the other side, instead, take the time to tend your own.”UNKNOWN AUTHOR Before you envy the life of others, take time to tend to yours because you have no idea what is hidden in theirs. Unfortunately, we find it easier to be frustrated with our … Continue reading Cultivate What is Yours Instead of Being Envious of What is Not

Giving Our Children Our Time

Credit: Home. Life. Encouragement I spent the afternoon helping my daughter get ready for her preschoolers this week.  I did not have this help as I grew up, and because I didn’t, it is my intention to help her as long as I am able to do so.  She made some fall and Christmas play … Continue reading Giving Our Children Our Time

Your Strength Is Your Beauty

Credit: Home.Life.Encouragement I want to encourage you if life has you discouraged and beat up.  “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”A. A. MINE Your strength is your beauty because God is your strength and your endless supply and source of it. “God is our refuge and strength, … Continue reading Your Strength Is Your Beauty