Unexpected Moments

Credit: Home Life & Encouragement There is nothing sweeter than finding this surprise my daughter left behind for me. She received the most beautiful flowers from one of the children in her preschool class yesterday. When I got ready to go to bed, I put my dog outside for the last time for the night … Continue reading Unexpected Moments

Reach Out A Hand Today

Encouragement Today Today's encouragement was inspired from this quote, "A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success." Unknown Author Do not be afraid to encourage someone who you see is struggling or is having a hard day. You may be the only person to notice or … Continue reading Reach Out A Hand Today

Live Your Life As To Make A Difference

Encouragement TodayToday's random thought is to be kind to those you encounter. Be kind to those you see on the street. Be kind to those at the store. Be kind to those at work. Be kind to those at school. It does not matter where your travels take you in the course of the day, … Continue reading Live Your Life As To Make A Difference

Touching Lives Through Respect

Encouragement Today Has a stranger or someone you know touched your heart by a gesture of respect or love? Do not disregard this simple gesture. God uses His people to touch the lives of others and to meet each individual exactly where they are in need. I remember clearly how much a total stranger touched … Continue reading Touching Lives Through Respect

Honesty and Appreciation Touch Lives

Encouragement Today Honesty, kindness, love, and appreciation are powerful words. They have a way of transforming people’s lives. Do not underestimate the impact you are having on others if you are being honest, kind, and loving. Be “real” with your friends and relatives and when you are not around any more, they will forever love … Continue reading Honesty and Appreciation Touch Lives

Sharing Kindness and Love

Today's challenge is to think outside the box and do something special to brighten someone's day. It is a double win. It makes the person you are doing something for feel good, but it will brighten your day as well. I have discovered over time there is power to brighten a day in a simple … Continue reading Sharing Kindness and Love


Encouragement Today and Motivation Monday Today’s Encouragement theme is based on kindness. Have you ever thought about the effect you have on others when you share a little kindness with them? Rarely do you share a moment of kindness with someone and they return this gesture back with a moment of ugly or harsh behavior. … Continue reading Kindness

Spreading Love and Kindness All Around

Love and Kindness November 26, 2017 These are such simple acts that everyone from the smallest child to the oldest person alive can do. Let’s practice them in the week to come. It will be a great way to begin the holiday season. Ask God to open your eyes for opportunities to show these to … Continue reading Spreading Love and Kindness All Around